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  • ffatima1

Article 2 Response

In the article, the author states that Content creation was separated from distribution, and then the distribution had created completely new rules for users. The problem faced due to tech is an increase in hate and lies spread online. Facts and research done by journalists show that hate and lies spread faster on social media. All of our society's opinions and thoughts are controlled by what we absorb from social media and it brainwashes people with lies, also known called the "virus of lies". Without the truth, we can not reach democracy. Facebook is also one of the social media platforms that are biased against facts and control our feeds and control our personal information. These companies create models for your brain and feed you lies such as Facebook. In the article, the author states that tech spreads misinformation and in some cases is constructed by outside countries that weaponize the internet. These tech groups have an effect on elections, by promoting lies and hiding the truth. Social media misuses free speech and fact-checking in the news shows that the truths are being hidden with lies. The author suggests that we should not believe everything that we do online and read and facts check our resources first. Most of the time it is impossible to figure out if the news is real or fake. In my opinion, one should not trust social media or other platforms completely because they usually have biases and could possibly be lying.

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