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  • ffatima1

Assignment 2: First Micro-Bit Project

I initially, used a basic show string command to run text saying "hello" and placed it in a forever block that runs the string constantly in a straight line. The second step was making and constructing a short animation. The animation found in the basic option had a block called show icon, with a heart emoji. The heart emoji ran but did not have any movement therefore, I added another block of show leds that was also in the basic block. The show leds block is customizable, therefore I made two small hearts and two larger hearts. When the hearts are run together in a forever block, this makes the heart movement and this is how I constructed a beating heart. Then, I edited the String to " Hi! I am the Beating heart". I created a command to run button "A" and display a smile on the screen but the display was not appearing due to the excessive length of the string. I shortened the string to speed the display from button "A". I changed the string to "Beating heart", the button was then displayed after the string. I also changed the Image of the button into a diamond so it appears different than the hearts. I then connected the micro bit to my laptop using the cable provided in the kit and downloaded my project as a .hex file. I dropped the file into the micro bit icon in my files and the Microbit started running the projection.

Here is the link to my project:

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